
3 Reasons Why Bathing (not showering) Before Work is Top Tier & Links to Some Personal Favorite Bath Products...

Who doesn't love a good bath? They are little pieces of quiet and peace wrapped in ceramic and filled with warm water. I mean, finally, a way to mentally prepare and find your happy place before your daily grind that doesn't cost $4 a cup and a late arrival to work! Amirite? I recently started to set aside an extra 20 minutes each morning to take a bath before work. Originally, it was just because my husband was occupying the downstairs bathroom that has the shower. Then, something magical happened and it became kind of relaxing before a long day at work. It was virtually free, AND it wouldn't flag on a drug test (giggity). 

After while, I did some research and I found that I was actually on to something and there is science behind why taking baths before work felt so right.

1. According to an article in Town and Country, Psychologist, Neil Morris, conducted a study of 80 people and concluded that "baths can diminish feelings of depression and pessimism because baths give you a wonderful combination of isolation, quiet and comfort." 

2. In an article written in The Conversation, warm baths have similar heart healthy benefits of working out. A warm bath can burn as many as 140 calories, which is compared to a half-hour walk, and results in 10% reduction in blood sugar spike after eating, says Author Steve Faulkner. 

3. "Baths can help you feel more awake,"  says Leah Silverman, in the article she wrote for Town and CountryBathing can cause mild sweating and much like a workout, after you sweat you feel more refreshed and invigorated. Morning baths won't make you drowsy but "when you are ready for bed, you will sleep much deeper," says Leah. 

Now that some health benefits have been laid out, let's discuss best practices. 

  • Make sure to clean the tub thoroughly before filling it up with water. It seems like a no brainer, but one can infer that if there isn't any visible dirt in the tub, no need to clean it. False. If you weren't the last to use & clean out the tub, always give it a once over with a mild tub cleaner or dishwashing liquid and a good sponge before and after you bathe. 
  • For the ladies, don't use any bath oils or bubble bath. Adding these to the bath water can throw off your pH Balance, according to Nurse practitioner, Kelly Edwards of West End OBGYN. Lord knows how uncomfortable that can get. Men, feel free to add bubble bath and oils (if you want, I guess. I don't know of any adverse effects on penile health... lucky ducks!) 
  • Grab your favorite, bath exfoliating mitt and a separate face towel(one that is free of soap and perfumes so that you can make sure to properly clean your privates without risking soap transfer. (Ladies, all you should need is warm water and a clean towel down there. If you are experiencing itch and/or odor, please consult your OBGYN, soap won't cure that).
  • Invest in a good body soap. A personal fave is Olay Moisture Ribbobns . Any scent will do, but the Shea and Jasmin petals combo is a game changer. 
  • Put your hair in a silk bonnet to prevent frizz and puffiness after the bath. 
  • Don't forget to snag good face wash to put the cherry on top. 
  • Lastly, always rinse off with cool water after your bath. This will, not only, lock in moisture but it will also rinse off any residue that negates that clean fresh feeling when your done! 

This is a personal favorite recipe for bathing before work but this ritual will work any time, day or night and is guaranteed to have you feeling ready to tackle the day! Give it a try and leave comments of your ritual below. 




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