

Change is in the air. It's impossible to ignore.

The values that were instilled as a child have, for so long, been the cornerstones in life. New values and lessons learned as an adult, in parenthood and in marriage are, however, are becoming rather competitive and are taking over in some ways. Values like absorbancy & open-mindedness; being direct & self-reflective; accountability & being expressive instead of passive; being self-aware; holding reciprocity near & dear, &  totally surrendering to Christ. These can all be thrilling to watch bloom from the inside-out but intimidating, even off-putting, from the outside-in. Especially, when the people that have been around the most aren't used to seeing those values displayed prolifically.

For the experience(r), this morphing can feel isolating. This is true due to how these rare these or similar values are in others. Not everyone will morph at the same time and when the spotlight shines and Christ calls upon the spirit to morph, he may not have called the posse's spirits at the same time. He may not have called on dad's spirit. He may not have called on the favorite cousins spirit. He may not have called on mom's spirit. When the change happens, things that one seemed lit and like the "thee" things to do, don't seem like fun any more. What used to be appealing is now a turn-off. What used to feel like support, now feels constricting. What used to be comforting is now very uncomfortable. The invites that used to seem so enticing are now exhausting. The experience(r) is left now wanting those experience(s) any more. On one hand, It feels beautiful. It's enlightening. It's uplifting. It's refreshing. That space is nice. For those who are left in what used to be, however, are feeling slighted, left behind, offended. Take courage.

That empty space is where God's voice is the loudest. What God may reveal to one, he may not reveal to another. What God has for one, he may not have for another. God is not the one to compete with distractions. Therefore, in order to stay on track, to stay clued in, to stay walking in his purpose, to stay on the path that he has designed, it's paramount to visit that empty space and encounter Him. Faith walks are sometimes meant to be taken alone.

Being alone will beg the question "Am I doing the right thing?"  In order to go from here to the land flowing with milk & honey, it requires the experience(r) to move forward and not look back with full faith that God will light the path. Continue to visit the empty space. Is the right answer not clear? Visit the empty space. Does it seem like what He's asking you to do is impossible? Visit the empty space. Someone said or did something offensive? Visit the the empty space. Is something just not settling well and it's hard to pin point it? Visit the empty space. The frequency of those visits will reveal God's power and word. Upon emergence each time, will reveal a new layer of the morph. Emerge confident in the Lord, encouraged, forgiving, & aware.

Speaking from experience as the experience(r).

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